Re: The history of the Linux OS

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH (
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 22:44:26 -0500

In message <>, Larry McVoy writes:
| Let me try and be a bit more clear about that last claim. It's true that
| if you are at version 1.100 in your copy of the source and patch which
| consists of the diffs from 1.200 .. 1.203 comes by, BitKeeper will not

Here, I think, is the difference. You're thinking in terms of patches as
the "base unit"; I'm thinking of entire source trees. Given a patch to
produce a different kernel version, I would release the appropriate version,
apply the patch, and check it in as the new version. I'm *not* thinking of
file-by-file browsing because the most interesting stuff isn't there --- we
are most likely to find full source releases, not patches sitting around,
and it's unlikely that interim patches for older releases (i.e. the
equivalent of 2.0.35ac*) have survived. And, as you noted, even the patches
aren't guaranteed to produce official released source trees.

Given the limitations of what is available to us, I don't see an urgent need
to try to reconstruct an actual development tree. Future kernel development
via Bitkeeper or etc. is probably a very good idea, but trying to force
earlier kernels into the mold is more likely to be an exercise in
frustration than anything else. If we already had a reliable CVS tree
covering a significant part of the development cycle (vger doesn't, as
Linus's releases don't tie to it) then migrating it to Bitkeeper would make
sense, but as is it's just going to frustrate you unnecessarily....

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering			 KF8NH
			  Kiss my bits, Billy-boy.

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