Re: Can this CD/Floppy Behaviour be Done? [offtopic?]

Anthony Barbachan (
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 00:09:37 -0500

-----Original Message-----
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 5:18 AM
Subject: Re: Can this CD/Floppy Behaviour be Done? [offtopic?]

>H. Peter Anvin ( wrote :
>>Followup to: <>
>>By author: Dennis Grant <>
>>In newsgroup:
>>> I was futzing with my system in user-space last night, and I wonder if
>>> there's a way to do something:
>>> One of the behaviours I really miss from my Amiga days is the ability to
>>> auto-detect and auto-mount removeable media filesystems.
>>This is very hard (read: highly unsafe) to do on the PC, because the
>>hardware doesn't give a signal to the OS that something has been
>>inserted, and even worse -- that something is about to be removed.
>Neither on the Amiga, the OS must poll the status.
>Even more , if the drive is empty , it will report empty
>until you move the heads ( and a floppy is inserted ).
>I never understand why is this ... ( the head movement requirement )
>>Even IDE CD-ROMs with a soft button and motorized mechanisms, which
>>*should* be able to do this, don't give the software the neccessary
>>clues that something has been inserted, or that someone pressed the
>How does then Win95 detect the inserted CD ?
>( a retorical question, it probably polls the drive status periodicaly )

I doubt polling is involved in Win9x-NT, I have seen cases in which the
inserted CD is not detected. This was usually correctable by either telling
the explorer to refresh or by trying to access the drive. This is
especially quite common when trying to use a CDROM through its DOS real mode
drivers. This suggest that the insertion event is actually detected and not
polled for as polling would (most likely, this is MS code after all) not
encounter similar problems. When pressing refresh it is actually as if you
were telling the system to poll the current contents.

>David Balazic , student
>E-mail : | living in sLOVEnija
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>Computer: Amiga 1200 + Quantum LPS-340AT
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