Re: Linux threads -- as seen in NT Magazine
David Feuer (
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 18:48:34 -0500
"H. Peter Anvin" wrote:
> Followup to: <>
> By author: "Alan Olsen" <>
> In newsgroup:
> >
> > On a similar note:
> >
> > ZDnet (publisher of some outstanding anti-Linux FUD) has registered
> > "" as a domain. It is not alive yet, but expectations for it being
> > anything positive are not good. (Reading does have some uses. ]:>
> > )
> >
> I think ZDNet is more clueless than evil. They have shown a huge
> variance in their Linux coverage, from very good to very bad. That
> indicates cluelessness more than malice.
> -hpa
> --
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> I am Bahá'í -- ask me about it or see
> "To love another person is to see the face of God." -- Les Misérables
Good point. People who have only been exposed to Microsoft Windows and
then want to write a report (on a deadline) about an operating system
utterly unfamiliar to them tend to mess things up. Similarly, I notice
that a number of people who write science articles for the newspapers
easily get confused about what is known, what is believed, what is
conjectured, and what is one of 100 equally possible guesses. But they
could be a little less bold in their statements sometimes.....
David Feuer
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