Re: Structure vs purism ?
Helge Hafting (
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:09:01 +0100
> It's not a question of structured vs. spaghettish. It's a question
> of implementing two constructs missing in C: asymmetric if and (gaack!)
> very limited sort of exceptions. Compilers might get advanced and all
> such, but in C we have no way to inform compiler on relative probability
> of branches (and it can't figure it out for itself - AI-complete problem).
Changing the C language won't be easy, but an asymmetric if could be
implemented by putting #pragma probable_if, #pragma improbable_if
and #pragma normal_if in the code. We could then write "nice readable"
code and still get a fast result.
Helge Hafting.
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