Gerd Knorr (
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 23:38:32 +0100

> int mtrr_smart_add (unsigned long base, unsigned long size, unsigned int type,
> char increment, int *registers, int max_registers)
> /* [SUMMARY] Setup a memory region, using multiple MTRRs as required.
> <base> The starting (base) address of the region.
> <size> The size (in bytes) of the region.
> <type> The type of the new region.
> <increment> If true and the region already exists, the usage count will be
> incremented.
> <registers> The MTRR registers used are written here.
> <max_registers> The size of the <<registers>> array.
> [RETURNS] The number of MTRR registers used on success, else a negative
> number indicating the error code.
> [NOTE] This routine uses a spinlock.
> */
> This even lets drivers keep track of which MTRRs they should release,
> if required.
> What do people think of this interface?

Looks good IMHO.


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