> From: Sami Farin <sfarin@ratol.fi>
> Hi. I have Abit BX6 rev.2.0 ver.HJ, Mendocino 83.333*5.5 MHz,
> egcs-1.1.2, binutils-, RH50+updates (a lot)...
> problem #1: my IBM DTTA 351350 IDE-disk isn't detected in a sane way.
> Yes, this hdparm and kernel output looks very messy.
> But your problem is probably caused by something else.
> Hmm, the model number suggests a 13.5 GB disk.
> with kernel report
> hdd: IBM-DTTA-351350, 12897MB w/464kB Cache, CHS=26205/16/63
That's what BIOS and e.g. Hardware Info proggy say.
> So, this could be a disk hardware problem (does this disk report its identity
> correctly under other kernels?) or an IDE driver problem, or random kernel
Nope. Tried also 2.2.1.
> memory corruption via a wild pointer or so, or just plain bad memory.
The other IDE-devices (four) are detected OK, this 13GB hd is giving
trouble (in detection phase only). It has ~13GB ext2 partition and
it works just fine. Except from the fact that it has only 630 files,
4GB used, and fragmention level is 25%... how came?
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