Re: Removable media bug

Denis Karpov (
Fri, 28 May 1999 13:00:26 +0400

I'm not sure that i'm gonna tell about the same problem (haven't seen
the beginning of this thread).
I have a terrible problem with my SCSI MO drive since (2.2.2, in 2.2.1
it was working ok).

Fionn Behrens wrote:

> Any kernel since 2.2.3 (which works as do builds previous to 2.2.3) at
> least up to 2.2.9 (incl. 2.3.0) fails to invalidate at least e2fs buffers for
> at least all Fujitsu MO drives (the vast majority of MOs). This really sucks

My MO media is double sided (each side 625M). but when formating ext2fs
under >2.2.1 it seems that mke2fs interprets one side of MO disk as
1250M (it gets block count two times larger than it is).

i still can format it under >2.2.1 (if the real number of blocks is
explicitly specified in mke2fs command line options). but when i try to
mount it under earlier kernel - i get an error (usually bad superblock)

disks formatted under earlier kernels simply could not be mounted under

so there is some incompatibility. I wonder what has changed since 2.2.1
that caused all this problems.

> I know of at least two systems showing this kind of behaviour. I will gladly
> try to help debugging by answering any further inquiries about this problem by
> email.

me too.

rgds, Denis Karpov.

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