Re: 2.3.x wish list? (Block sizes)
Stefan Monnier (monnier+lists/linux/kernel/news/
28 May 1999 16:06:34 -0400
>>>>> "Paul" == Paul M Hirsch <> writes:
> On 23 May 1999, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> Since MH mailboxes are about as bad a case as it gets (apart possibly
>> from big symlink-farms), it seems that 2KB is a safe default while 4KB
>> incur a non-negligible space cost.
> Oh, so we are worried about space now? ;) I should have said
> "4KB blocks can offer significantly better performance, with a (sometimes
Increased space usage can lead to speed penalties (when doing find/grep,
for instance).
I remember seeing measurement of sequential access for 1KB and 4KB blocks,
but how does 2KB compare ?
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