Re: irda: is it tty or netdevice or both? [was Re: TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE too low causing dataloss on too

Bjorn Wesen (
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:29:39 +0200 (MET DST)

On 1 Jun 1999, Dag Brattli wrote:
> I guess that the issue of being char or net device is really about being
> point-to-point or more like a multiple access MAC layer. IrDA is both and
> can function in connected reliable, unconnected reliable, connected
> unreliable, and unconnected unreliable mode. IrDA v2 known as AIR will also
> support multipoint which is not that easy to put over the TTY abstraction.

What happens if one would want to run PPP over IrDA (or comparable links)
which requires some formatting before the PPP serial data goes out the
serial port.

Since PPP hooks into the tty as a line discipline, it would be necessary
to make a dummy tty-like device, to which PPP would hook in and which
would then process/format the data. The other end of the dummy-tty would
connect as a line discipline on the actual physical tty ? That sounds a
bit complicated, any other ideas on how to do it ?


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