> I dont think devfs *requires* to be mounted on /dev ...
> Someone correct me if im wrong.
> 1) If you want a physical /dev on the disk with 40,000 entries, disable
> the devfs compile option and create your physical /dev directory and
> populate it with 40,000 entries and all is well.
> 2) If you want a physical /dev dynamically populated by a userspace
> daemon, then compile devfs in, mount it on /devices and have a
> userspace daemon populate /dev and all is well.
> 3) If you want a fully dynamic devfs mounted on /dev, then compile it in
> and mount it on /dev and all is well.
> Any questions?
The only issue I see is what user-space programs look for. It's
wonderful to give the users all kinds of options, but how does a user-land
program know what the name of the device it wants to talk to is? I guess,
ask the user, that will work for some people, but I fear not all...
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