> It turns out that our particular problem was hardware related. In
> particular, the motherboard (ABIT BX6 V2.0) could not cope with three
> 128 Meg DIMMS inserted. Any two of the three worked just fine, but
> three in total failed. We ran the tests under 2.0.37.
> We are going to stick with 256 Megs and go back to 2.2.5 (complete
> reinstall) and see what happens.
I have seen this type of thing on Tyan P5 and P6 motherboards, when loaded
with memory, despite what the manual says, they can't handle it.
Brian Feeny (BF304) signal@shreve.net
318-222-2638 x 109 http://www.shreve.net/~signal
Network Administrator ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)
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