> > the Linux market. but there is a mixed message, as i pointed out to Alan
> > -- the ac patches "aren't for production servers," but that's the only
> > place where production shops can find this patch.
> That is a common thing in all businesses. It comes with a 'be careful' label,
> you test it and if it seems cool you use it.
> > patch for 2.2 if it won't be included in the mainstream kernel. does
> > redhat include the patch in it's distributed 6.0 kernels?
> Yes.
I think equally important (to sites that serve alot of traffic on
production boxes) is the value of NR_TASKS in linux/tasks.h. The default
allows 256 simultaneous requests, which isn't a whole lot of procesess for
something like a busy apache. I think it would be great if this value
could be set in /proc/kernel/max-tasks or something like that, rather than
having to edit the source and recompile. Maybe this has already been an
idea though. It seems like some servers like squid and news servers
require lots of fd's with high load, where as you pointed out, daemons
like apache just fork processes, so those have the other need of increased
> Alan
> -
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Brian Feeny (BF304) signal@shreve.net
318-222-2638 x 109 http://www.shreve.net/~signal
Network Administrator ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)
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