I knew it when I saw the first message that this was going to
become one of THOSE threads from hell that won't die, even if they don't
amount to a hill of beans... One of those religious type topics where
everyone has an opinion on...
Ok... My contribution to the noise...
Mike A. Harris enscribed thusly:
> On 22 Jun 1999, Ramana Juvvadi wrote:
> >This strategy has served us very well in the past, but I do think
> >there is a need for a change. At present, the code evolves in
> >two branches -- development (odd number) and stable (even number).
> >I think we should at least split it into three branches --
> >development, beta, and stable.
> It allready is in 3 branches.
> > Development --- kernel developers only
> 2.3.x
> > Beta --- Adventorous users only
> 2.2.x-preY
> > Stable -- No serious bug reported in the past x days
> 2.2.z
I vote for four levels!
/4 - Production --- Comfortable woobie (security blanket)
/4+1 - Beta --- Adventerous and/or recently released from asylums
/4+2 - Development --- Bleeding edge masochists
/4+3 - Dearly Beloved We are Gathered Here --- Go for the gusto.
Ok, ok... A joke already... Don't hit me! :-)
Having helped with the 2.1.12x "flue" and the recent 2.2.8 fiasco,
I know the feeling of that last category...
I think the current system has served us well enough that others
have been following the example. Whether one person or another thinks
it can be "improved", it still works.
First law of engineering: If it ain't broke - DON'T FIX IT!
It ain't broke, so don't fix it!
> >Ultimately it may be that users have to judge for themselves.
> >But it would be nice if kernel developers can make the users
> >job easier.
> You haven't said anything that can't allready be done IMHO.
> Perhaps you weren't aware of the 'pre' releases or where to get
> them. We also have the 'ac' patches, as well as 'arca'
> releases...
I agree. Two branches with "pre", and "-ac", and "-az" et al...
patches seem to work incredibly well. Leave it alone!
> --
> Mike A. Harris Linux advocate GNU advocate
> Computer Consultant Open Source advocate
> Tea, Earl Grey, Hot...
-- Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 | mhw@WittsEnd.com (The Mad Wizard) | (770) 925-8248 | http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/ NIC whois: MHW9 | An optimist believes we live in the best of all PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471 | possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it!
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