[OT] Re: iToaster in violation of GPL?
Matthew Vanecek (mev0003@unt.edu)
Fri, 25 Jun 1999 20:12:47 -0500
Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> In article <ABMiPStKvP@khim.sch57.msk.ru> you wrote:
> > This is for the beginning, of course. It's REALLY important check of GPL and
> > we must be ready to go as far as in court :-/ But first thing to do is to
> > ask them gently about Linux, GPL, iToaster and OS sources... And this is duty
> > of Linus I afraid (even he hate such stuff as we all know). Even if Microworks
> > violated copyright of few tens different persons at least with Linux usage...
> Well.. of course there is a lot of non-GPL Code in the kernel...
> Greetings
> Bernd
Umm, question. Since the iToaster doesn't use Linux at all, but only
uses BeOS, how would it be in violation of the GPL? Maybe a minor
point, but wouldn't they have to use Linux GPL-ed code first, before
they could violate the GPL? And since they haven't, doesn't that make
violating the GPL, umm, a little more difficult?
Matthew Vanecek
Course of Study: http://www.unt.edu/bcis
Visit my Website at http://people.unt.edu/~mev0003
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