Re: A few questions.....

Mark H. Wood (mwood@IUPUI.Edu)
Sat, 26 Jun 1999 15:17:22 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 24 Jun 1999 wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jun 1999 wrote:
> > the advantage of open(""); vs open_http("");
> > is the possiblity of the existing code -without- modification. all
> > the current tools would work as is.
> >
> > example: cat | less

consider this example:


That is, run the object of that URL as a program, same as you would
compiled code, or a shell script, or a Java class. That should be
interesting. Someone's going to want it pretty soon, if for no other
reason than that Win32 can do it:


What it means on Win32 is to run your default Web browser and pass it that
URL. This takes a pile of code in ShellExecute() and a fair amount of
data in the (pardon my language) Registry. Think about it.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mwood@IUPUI.Edu
A Brazil-nut is neatly packaged and tightly integrated.  To turn it into
food, you must crack and remove the shell.  I find that I feel the same   
way about an increasing number of software products.  *sigh*

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