Yes!!!!!! It works. Details follow in the steps below.
> And for the problem you encountered, I'd like to know the situation
> more. Could you please let me know what will be happened when you do:
> > 1. I boot both machines.
> > 1a. I bring up plip on both sides.
> > 1b. Plip works fine.
> >
> > 2. I drop plip on both sides.
> >
> > 3. I bring up plip on both sides.
> > 3a. Plip appears to come up on both sides, as indicated via ifconfig.
> > 3b. Plip does not work.
> > 3b1. When pinging from julia (6.0/2.2.10), timeouts occur on ranma
> > (5.2/2.0.36).
> > 3b2. When pinging from ranma, timeouts occur on ranma.
(Did all of those steps explicitly from cold boots.)
> 4'. Test on "julia"
> 4'a. drop plip on julia
> 4'b. rmmod plip on julia
> 4'c. insmod plip on julia
> 4'd. bring up plip julia
> 4'e. ping from julia, ping from ramma.
> Does it works?
Yes! Works fine both ways. No error messages, no funny behavior.
> 4''. Another Test on "julia"
> 4''a. drop plip on julia
> 4''b. rmmod plip on julia *and* rmmod parport_pc on julia
> 4''c. insmod parport_pc on julia
Worked fine...
> *and* insmod plip on julia
Did NOT work. Error message:
/lib/modules/2.2.10/net/plip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
That *is* where I have my modules.
Here's the output from lsmod:
Module Size Used by
parport_pc 5620 0 (unused)
parport 7092 0 (autoclean) [parport_pc]
sb 33172 0
uart401 5968 0 [sb]
sound 57196 0 [sb uart401]
soundcore 2372 6 [sb sound]
> 4''d. bring up plip julia
This did not work! Here's the output from stderr:
plip0: unknown interface: No such device
SIOCSIFMTU: No such device
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
plip0: unknown interface: No such device
SIOCSIFDSTADDR: No such device
plip0: unknown interface: No such device
plip0: unknown interface: No such device
SIOCADDRT: No such device
Here's another piece of info for you.
Before bringing this to the mail list, I tried compiling plip directly
into the kernel. At first it wouldn't compile until I added some other
feature, one which I cannot recall. On the successful compile, I
brought up the system, tried to bring up plip, and received similar
error messages as for this step.
> 4''e. ping from julia, ping from ramma.
> Does it works?
No. Plip does not even activate on julia.
> It seems for me that it is resource allocation/management problem wrt
> parport. Perhaps I don't know well about usage of parport. I'll look
> at the API of parport again.
> Thank you for cooperation,
Thank you for taking *your* time on this. Believe me, I appreciate
this. I hope this is helpful.
> --
> Niibe Yutaka
Please let me know the next step.
-- GrahamQ: Why did the chicken cross the Moebius strip? A: To get to the other ... er, um ...
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