Re: [OFFTOPIC] Detector for modem for driver I want to code

David Woodhouse (
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 01:25:24 +0100

> > So, I really do need this device. Any help would be greatly
> > appreciated. Sorry for the [OT] posting.
> I'll have a go at designing one for you, but don't hold your breath.

Telco approval is a problem for this kind of thing.

One possible solution - IIRC the 'off-hook' state is signalled by drawing a
current from the line. If you can detect that current without actually being
connected to the line itself, you can do this without requiring Telco approval.

Looking up the minimum current which signals the device as off-hook, and
coming up with a sane and reliable method of detecting said current, is left as
an exercise for the reader.

But we're drifting very off-topic.

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
Project Leader, Process Information Systems Mobile: (+44) 976 658355
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd., Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, CB5 0NA, UK.
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