Re: SMP on AMD K7

Steve Underwood (
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:51:56 +0000


Dave Broudy wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was just wondering if anyone had given any thought to a Linux
> implementation of SMP for the K7, or even if anyone is working on it yet?
> I think it might be overly ambitious of me to try and lead the effort
> (I've done some kernel work on the Mach kernel in networking, this is
> certainly more challenging), but I'm interested in contributing to it as
> soon as dual cpu motherboards become available. Perhaps existing Alpha
> 21264 dual MB's can be used for this purpose, as they use the same bus
> protocol.
> Thanks,
> Dave Broudy

The 21264 MB hardware may be OK, barring any bugs they haven't yet had time
to find, but where would you find a K7 BIOS chip to plug into them?


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