Re: strange problem in X...commonalities

Joe (
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:42:51 -0700 (PDT)

So far it seems that the only commonalities that I have seen are
the following:

1) XFree is running when the mouse goes into bezerk mode or

2) Some sort of TCP/IP protocal is being used (ppp / NFS, etc).
I am assuming that this is a heavy use of the protocal, eg, on
my machine an IRC program can make good use of tcp/ip, on a
heavily loaded channel or multiple channels. I am not sure what
NFS does with tcp/ip.(heavy load / light load?)

3) The kernel is SMP **NOTE that this is not necesarily a
multiprocessor system, just a system running an SMP kernel.

I am told that if a program can crash a system that it is a
kernel bug. I had one crash, others running nfs have had more I

As there seem to be many people out there that are using egcs
and not having problems with their systems it leads me to
believe the following:

A) egcs is compiling the SMP - tcp/ip code incorrectly and
causing it to flake out on occasion?

I do not think this is the case though as I have heard from
someone (I think.. as I recevied lots of suggestions and mail)
that said that they had this problem with gcc..


B) there are some bugs between tcp/ip stack and SMP that cause
it to flake out?
any UP machines having tcp/ip related problems that are
causeing X to flake out or flaky mouse behavior in X?


C) there is an i/o bug in SMP?
again any UP machine having I/O troubles?


D) there is a general tcp/ip and/or i/o bug that may not crash a
system, but just cause it to flake out at some point?

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