> : You mean this one?
> :
> : http://cs.alfred.edu/~lansdoct/mstest.html
> That's the one. Thanks to Steve and all the other replies. It's good
> reading, check it out.
I've been saying this all along :) From the intro at
<http://www.apache.org/docs/misc/perf-tuning.html> :
Apache is a general webserver, which is designed to be correct
first, and fast second. Even so, it's performance is quite
satisfactory. Most sites have less than 10Mbits of outgoing bandwidth,
which Apache can fill using only a low end Pentium-based webserver. In
practice sites with more bandwidth require more than one machine to
fill the bandwidth due to other constraints (such as CGI or database
transaction overhead). For these reasons the development focus has
been mostly on correctness and configurability.
But alas, nobody really cares.
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