Re: [PATCH] *(int*)0 = 0 & variations

Ian D Romanick (
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 09:14:18 -0700 (PDT)

> > > If they have no side-effect, then there is no point in evaluating them with
> > > NDEBUG set. Please, let's not try to hide bugs.
> > If they have no side-effect, they'll compile to *NO CODE*.
> > It doesn't matter what kassert does in this case.
> Oh, yes it does: the compiler cannot always prove the code to be side-effect
> free, else the same analysis could be used to warn of improper use of
> assert.

Though not particularly useful for the kernel at this point, LCLint can be
used to detect macros with side effects.

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 all forgotten now."
                                                Be impressed, then forget:

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