On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 01:56:08PM +0200, Brian Schau wrote:
> Daniele Bernardini wrote:
> >=20
> > Hi folks,
> >=20
> > I keep on getting this error.
> > Dunno what it means, but my sound system works fine, apart from
> > some rare case when I get no sound at all from KDE. Restarting KDE
> > everything works fine again. Probably this is not even related.
> >=20
> > I have an AWE64 isa pnp.
> >=20
> > Regards,
> >=20
> > Daniele
> I get these errors too, from time to time. Re-inserting the sound
> modules usually cures the problem ...
I had this problem too, but the solution seems to be to edit
your /etc/modules file (Debian) and load the sound module like this:
sound dmabuf=3D1
<insert your other sound stuff later>
Read linux/Documentation/sound/README.modules.
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Senior Network Systems Analyst savages because they know they can be
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Oakville, Ont. Canada as a general thing." - Robert E. Howard
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