Re: Conglomerate files - reiserfs (was: all sorts of things)

Wesley Terpstra (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 13:24:59 -0700 (PDT)

> > Why do we need the glob ability? If there is an efficient FS for the
> > overhead problem, why not just use the FS as is and have the user use tar?
> If /etc/passwd is a directory of one line files, it could be useful to
> edit the /etc/passwd directory in one emacs buffer.

Ok, but I think my magic number suggestion would be able to handle that.
The file you edit would just have the # at the top of the file and when
you wrote it back it would again be a dir/file thing.

> > Have some semi-portable flag on the tarballish file that identifies it as
> > a dir/file thing. Then whenever a tarballish thing this is copied to an fs
> > that supports your extension, untar it to a file/dir thing transparently.
> > When you open the file/dir thing as a file, return a tarballish thing with
> > the semi-portable flag. The flag could be anything - perhaps a magic
> > number as the first few bytes.
> >
> I think it needs to be the reverse, it is a file/dir in my filesystem,
> and a tarballish thing elsewhere.
That's what I meant.

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