Are there kernel testing suites out there? We need them.

Miles Lane (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 15:58:21 -0700

One of the things Micro$oft does is stress test Windows NT after
every build. To do this, they have a server that dishes out
scripts that kick off a huge array of tests. The client machine
has options to specify a wide range of testing parameters.
The tests cover just about every aspect of the OS, including
the system applications.

The areas stressed include:

Video subsystem
Process management
DOS compatibility subsystem
High client load (creating and killing applications
as fast as possible)
SMP kernel
Uniprocessor kernel

It would be cool if the Linux community had a similar central
test suite repository plus a kernel testing client application
that would go out and fetch tests and then crank through them.
Such a test engine client could also be used to gather
performance data and submit it back to a central repository
along with system hardware and OS configuration information.
This would enable the development community to more rapidly
identify bottlenecks in the kernel and the core Linux apps
and services.

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