Re: Frame Relay generic driver

Doug Hass (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:50:19 -0500 (EST)

> > To save the diatribes against a limited open-source distribution, I'd
> > refer you to the complaints made on the linux-kernel list about Sangoma's
> > driver instabilities recently. The reason that ImageStream and SDL are
> Sangoma distribute their own official set of drivers from their own site.
> While the rest of your reasoning may be valid I think you are bashing the
> wrong people in your attempt to find an example

My point about Sangoma was that there are multiple versions of the driver
out that are not stable (your posts were the ones I was referring to on
this topic.....) For a manufacturer of products used in mission-critical
router applications, it's not a good situation to be in. I'm not trying
to bash Sangoma--they have their reasons for doing what they do, I'm sure.
We have the resources in-house to handle the development of the drivers,
and we do it to some exacting QA standards.

That said, let's take 4 Front Technologies as the example.

The Open Sound System project, structured even more tightly than our SDL
driver project, has flourished using a similar model. My point wasn't to
bash anyone, just to make a pre-emptive strike against those who would
argue against a limited open-source project.




Doug Hass, Sales Manager
ImageStream Internet Solutions
Office: (219) 935-8484
Fax: (219) 935-8488

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