Re: Cyrix "coma bug" fix was deleted from pre-2.3.10-4

B. James Phillippe (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:14:59 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Alan Cox wrote:

> > Also, does this mean the distributions (e.g. Redhat? :) are going to
> > detect the CPU type on start-up and run set6x86 appropriately? No, I
> > didn't think so..

Ah, but nobody cares about Cyrix systems. In fact, we're aiming for an
Intel-only society. Therefore, it's only natural that the scores of flaws
in Intel CPU's will be fixed up on bootup, and everybody else can just
suffer or buy Intel.

[yes I'm jesting, if it's not obvious. I don't even own an x86; my box is
an Alpha. but I still think the known x86 bugs should be fixed up on


# bryan at terran dot org

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