|> > Sep 27 18:35:44 cb26038-a kernel: file_cluster badly computed!!! 141 <> 140
|> > Sep 27 18:35:44 cb26038-a kernel: file_cluster badly computed!!! 5 <> 4
|> > Sep 27 18:35:44 cb26038-a kernel: file_cluster badly computed!!! 142 <> 141
|> > Sep 27 18:35:45 cb26038-a kernel: file_cluster badly computed!!! 143 <> 142
|> Looks like hardware?
| They are always one out. Which doesnt fit a hardware error. Hardware
| you would get bits cleared or set oddly not a consistent off by one.
| The dump above looks like either a fat error on the drive or an off
| by one bug in the VFAT code
It turns out it was my VFAT formatted Jaz drive that was giving these
errors... it would be useful if the kernel said what partition had
the bad file_cluster in the above messages. Anyhow, I reformatted the
drive and the errors have gone away. I believe they started after a
freezeup... there is no fsck for VFAT, right??
>From my original post:
| And a few that look like:
| Sep 27 15:37:44 cb26038-a kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
| Sep 27 15:37:44 cb26038-a kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }
A dejanews post said "disable Ultra DMA in BIOS"... which I did. So far
so good. I had assumed hda was what was giving the file_cluster
errors... it was not.
And re: my CD-ROM showing up 6 times when ide-scsi was inserted:
| This is caused by the "probe all LUNs" switch in the kernel config.
| Turn it off and it will stop. 100% guaranteed.
Hm, I thought I turned that switch of many kernels ago!
Dang cosmic rays.
Thanks, folks!
Leigh Orf
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