> I like this table format better, with errors marked:
> in Linux: LINUP linlow <98up> 98low <ntup> ntlow
> in win98: LINUP <LINLOW> 98UP 98low NTUP <NTLOW>
> in NT4: LINUP linlow 98UP 98low NTUP ntlow
> > I think Linux should follow one of win95/98 or NT/W2K, and
> > since NT/W2K seams more reasonable Linux could display filenames
> > like NT (Linux creates filenames similar to NT already).
> Clearly NT displays everything right.
> Lowercase must be written the Win98 way.
> Uppercase must be written the Linux way.
I would _like_ to see the actual directory contents. The main question
being: what to do with short entries.
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