Re: Profanity in the Linux Kernel?!?!?

David Chappell (
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:45:32 -0400

On Wed, 09 Jun 1999, Kelley Spoon wrote:

> Someone else brought up the point about censoring work other people
> contributed, and I agree with that. I have absolutely no problem
> with a developer calling a spade a spade.

It should be pointed out that they aren't calling spades spades. No
copulating, voiding of excrement, or condemnation to an afterlife of torture
actually occur in the Linux kernel. ;)

Also, many of these words (such as hell and damn) are expletives, meaning that
they do not contribute anything to the sense of the sentence, except perhaps to
express the author's annoyance.

I would suggest that looking for obcenities in kernel messages would be a good
way to find poorly written messages which should be made more explicit and

The reason this kind of language is still seen as unprofessional in at least
some quarters is that it is more common amoung the illiterate and because it
introduces topics with distictly unpleasant aspects into a context in which
they are entirely irrelevant.

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