Ronald G. Minnich wrote:
> For this generation of motherboard there's a hard 1 MB limit. Also the
> intel flasher software is odd about how much of that 1MB it's willing to
> program, so the limit is more like 512K
512 kB is a problem. I've just built a regular 2.3.49 kernel with
IDE, ext2, /proc, and basic networking, and the bzImage is already
472 kB. Granted, there are some 100+ kB of useless strings in there,
but they probably compress well. Don't really need /proc, though.
> and Intel support has already told me that (1), it's secret, and
> (2), they don't want to tell me the secret).
Hmm, is this some kind of recovery part ? Then it would make sense to
keep this confidential lest some friendly people start spreading
trojans that kill not only your flash but also your only chance to get
it back ...
> That said, long term I have no problem with the user-mode approach, but in
> terms of what we need here the direct kernel approach is probably more
> useful.
Let's see ;-) Right now it actually looks as if some additional effort
is needed to bring the kernel as such down to a suitable size. Then we
can see if the additional ~10 kB or so of a user-space based approach
matter. I guess I'll have to hack some extra-slim bootimg that doesn't
use libc at all ... :)
- Werner
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