Re: [patch 2/9] 2.5.6 lm_sensors

From: Kelledin (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 23:08:54 EST

> Anything short of "Destroy my precious Thinkpad? [y/N]"
> probably is insufficient. Frankly, I don't think even that's
> enough. Once this is mainlined, someone will want to build a
> kitchen sink distro kernel with sensor support and if the code
> itself isn't autodetecting whether it's on a problematic
> platform, it won't be long before someone boots their Thinkpad
> off a friend's CDR and toasts it.

I agree, the lm_sensors driver should maintain a blacklist for
ThinkPads, and make it possible to disable the blacklist only by
going in and hacking the kernel source manually. Whenever the
lm_sensors drivers detect a blacklisted ThinkPad, they should
vehemently refuse to function.

"If a server crashes in a server farm and no one pings it, does 
it still cost four figures to fix?"

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