Re: [PATCH v7 06/11] arm64: dts: mediatek: set vmc regulator as always on
From: Alexandre Mergnat
Date: Mon May 22 2023 - 10:25:26 EST
Hi Angelo
Le lun. 15 mai 2023 à 13:44, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
<angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> Il 11/05/23 18:29, amergnat@xxxxxxxxxxxx ha scritto:
> > From: Fabien Parent <fparent@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > On downstream, we observe that the MSDC IP (used by the emmc, the micro
> > SD card and the WiFi) isn't working properly if the VMC regulator is
> > shutdown.
> >
> > Make sure it is always on.
> I don't understand the power tree of this board: if your VQMMC is VIO18 and
> *not* VMC, why is that required?
I don't have the full history of the downstream, but I think there is
a schematic
issue or HW conception issue because I see an extra pin "MSDC1_INSI" (which
isn't part of MSDC IP) with VIO18 pull-up. That's why, I guess, VQMMC = VIO18
for MMC1. But since DVDD28_MSDC1 = VMC, VQMMC should be equal
to VMC.
The always-on will be removed.