Re: [PATCH] Alpha: Emulate unaligned LDx_L/STx_C for data consistency
From: Richard Henderson
Date: Thu Feb 20 2025 - 13:12:13 EST
On 2/20/25 09:59, Linus Torvalds wrote:
On Thu, 20 Feb 2025 at 09:54, Richard Henderson
<richard.henderson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Crucially, when emulating non-aligned, you should not strive to make it atomic. No other
architecture promises atomic non-aligned stores, so why should you do that here?
I'm not disagreeing with the "it doesn't necessarily have to be
atomic", but I will point out that x86 does indeed promise atomic
non-aligned accesses.
I should have been more expansive with that statement: I didn't mean "no unaligned
atomics" (e.g. lock orw), but "unaligned normal stores may be non-atomic" (e.g. movw
across a cacheline).
My guess about the gcc patches is that it's the latter that wanted emulation here.