> 2) I have noticed that at boot time the system will calculate (?) the
> bogomips for each
> cpu add their combined total.
The point of bogomips is to be able to run n*bogos to pause for n seconds
exactly. Giving the sum of them is just a feature added to apease those who
use bogomips for bragging rights. (Note that bogomips make very poor
benchmarks: in real use, computers don't spend much time in empty loops).
> After numerous kernel recompilings I have noticed that this number changes
> constantly and in
> many times will be much more or much less than the previous kernel. (I
> believe I have seen
> this as high as 720.xx)
Pentiums have highly varabile bogomipsage depending on just where the loop
is in memory. When you change the options a kernel is compiled with, often
locations change. It shouldn't matter, so long as the calculation loop and
the work loop have the same cache charactistics.
> 3) /proc/cpuinfo shows twp cpu's listed but the system does not behave as if
> it was scheduling
> both cpu's (when compiling software mainly). Before, under 4.2 I compiled
> the same code on
> the same machine _much_ faster. How can I verify both cpu's are being
> scheduled without
> relying on some text file created at boot up?
4.2? Perhaps you should ask the RedHat people. Here, we want kernel
version numbers -- do a uname -r or two. (under 4.2 and 5.0).
-=- James Mastros
-- "I'd feel worse if it was the first time. I'd feel better if it was the last." -=- "(from some Niven book, doubtless not original there)" (qtd. by Chris Smith)