Re: 2.3.47 imac build?

From: Jeff Garzik (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 14:24:26 EST

"Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH" wrote:
> In message <>, Jeff Garzik writes:
> +-----
> | 1) investigate why this warning does not occur on x86. (is it a gcc
> | builtin?)
> +--->8
> The gcc 2.95.1 info pages claim so.

Thanks, I was too slack to look it up :)

PPC arch compiles with -fno-builtin. Why is this? It seems sub-optimal
and non-uniform, leading to little platform discrepancies like this...


Jeff Garzik              |
Building 1024            | Viva la open source!
MandrakeSoft, Inc.       |

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