Re: halt does not shut the system down

From: John Sigler
Date: Tue Oct 09 2007 - 04:06:35 EST

John Sigler wrote:

When I run 'halt' the kernel prints:

Shutdown: hdc
ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:01:05.0 disabled
ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:01:04.0 disabled
ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:01:03.0 disabled
ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:01:02.0 disabled
Power down.
acpi_power_off called

But the system does not shut down. (The fans keep spinning, the LEDs keep shining, the LCD keeps displaying.) Basically, the motherboard is still providing power to every component, as if the power supply had refused to stop.

If I disable the 4 integrated NICs in the BIOS, then the kernel prints:

Shutdown: hdc
Power down.
acpi_power_off called
hwsleep-0322 [01] enter_sleep_state : Entering sleep state [S5]

But the system does not power down.

Kernel is

I followed the instructions given here:

# cat /sys/module/acpi/parameters/debug_layer
Description Hex SET
ACPI_UTILITIES 0x00000001 [*]
ACPI_HARDWARE 0x00000002 [*]
ACPI_EVENTS 0x00000004 [*]
ACPI_TABLES 0x00000008 [*]
ACPI_NAMESPACE 0x00000010 [*]
ACPI_PARSER 0x00000020 [*]
ACPI_DISPATCHER 0x00000040 [*]
ACPI_EXECUTER 0x00000080 [*]
ACPI_RESOURCES 0x00000100 [*]
ACPI_CA_DEBUGGER 0x00000200 [*]
ACPI_OS_SERVICES 0x00000400 [*]
ACPI_COMPILER 0x00001000 [*]
ACPI_TOOLS 0x00002000 [*]
debug_layer = 0xFFFF3FFF ( * = enabled)

# cat /sys/module/acpi/parameters/debug_level
Description Hex SET
ACPI_LV_ERROR 0x00000001 [*]
ACPI_LV_WARN 0x00000002 [*]
ACPI_LV_INIT 0x00000004 [*]
ACPI_LV_DEBUG_OBJECT 0x00000008 [*]
ACPI_LV_INFO 0x00000010 [*]
ACPI_LV_INIT_NAMES 0x00000020 [*]
ACPI_LV_PARSE 0x00000040 [*]
ACPI_LV_LOAD 0x00000080 [*]
ACPI_LV_DISPATCH 0x00000100 [*]
ACPI_LV_EXEC 0x00000200 [*]
ACPI_LV_NAMES 0x00000400 [*]
ACPI_LV_OPREGION 0x00000800 [*]
ACPI_LV_BFIELD 0x00001000 [*]
ACPI_LV_TABLES 0x00002000 [*]
ACPI_LV_VALUES 0x00004000 [*]
ACPI_LV_OBJECTS 0x00008000 [*]
ACPI_LV_RESOURCES 0x00010000 [*]
ACPI_LV_USER_REQUESTS 0x00020000 [*]
ACPI_LV_PACKAGE 0x00040000 [*]
ACPI_LV_ALLOCATIONS 0x00100000 [*]
ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS 0x00200000 [*]
ACPI_LV_MUTEX 0x01000000 [*]
ACPI_LV_THREADS 0x02000000 [*]
ACPI_LV_IO 0x04000000 [*]
ACPI_LV_INTERRUPTS 0x08000000 [*]
ACPI_LV_VERBOSE_INFO 0x20000000 [*]
ACPI_LV_FULL_TABLES 0x40000000 [*]
ACPI_LV_EVENTS 0x80000000 [*]
debug_level = 0xFFFFFFFF (* = enabled)

I've attached my .config and the output of the following commands:
dmesg, lspci, acpidump, halt

Do you have any idea what the problem is?

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