RE: vger Facilities Management Contacts
From: Emma Conner
Date: Tue Feb 06 2024 - 07:31:15 EST
Just wanted to make sure you received my last email regarding a
customized list of Real Estate decision makers below. I’m looking to
find the right person who looks after your marketing and lead generation.
We help companies grow sales revenue with our highly targeted email
lists directly sourced.
Please let us know your target industries and job titles so we can send
you the numbers of contacts.
Emma Conner| Marketing Consultant
On 08-02-2023 11:43, Emma Conner wrote:
Would you be interested in an updated Facilities Management email list?
Owners, Presidents
Facilities Director
Maintenance Director
Health and safety
Workplace Manager
Building Manager
Plant Director
Director Safety and Security
Head of Real Estate and Facilities
Facilities Engineer
Site Manager
We can provide contacts of various job titles from several levels - for
e.g.: C Suit, VPs, Directors, Managers and staff level contacts
We can customize your list accordingly for any other requirements that
you have.
Let us know the job titles and your target audience so we process and
send the counts.
Appreciate your response.
Emma Conner | Marketing Consultant
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