Re: [PATCH v2] clk: keystone: sci-clk: Adding support for non contiguous clocks

Date: Tue Feb 06 2024 - 09:27:20 EST

On 06/02/24 19:45, Kumar, Udit wrote:

On 2/6/2024 7:24 PM, Kamlesh Gurudasani wrote:
Nishanth Menon <nm@xxxxxx> writes:

On 16:13-20240206, Udit Kumar wrote:
Most of clocks and their parents are defined in contiguous range,
But in few cases, there is gap in clock numbers[0].
Driver assumes clocks to be in contiguous range, and add their clock
ids incrementally.

New firmware started returning error while calling get_freq and is_on
API for non-available clock ids.

In this fix, driver checks and adds only valid clock ids.

Fixes: 3c13933c6033 ("clk: keystone: sci-clk: add support for dynamically probing clocks")

Section Clocks for NAVSS0_CPTS_0 Device,
clock id 12-15 not present.

Signed-off-by: Udit Kumar <u-kumar1@xxxxxx>
                  while (num_parents--) {
+                    /* Check if this clock id is valid */
+                    ret = provider->ops->get_freq(provider->sci,
+                        sci_clk->dev_id, clk_id, &freq);
get_freq is a bit expensive as it has to walk the clock tree to find
the clock frequency (at least the first time?). just wondering if
there is lighter alternative here?

How about get_clock? Doesn't read the registers at least.

Said API needs, some flags to be passed,

Can those flag be set to zero, Chandru ?

get_clock doesn't require any flags to be passed.
